Number of pages: 84
Typefaces: Noe Display (Schick Toikka), Karla (Jonathan Pinhorn) et Roboto Mono (Christian Robertson)
Editorial design for the magazine "Welcome to the Greater Region, our commonalities and the richness of our differences" („Willkommen in der Großregion, unsere Gemeinsamkeiten und der Reichtum unserer Unterschiede“ in German, « Bienvenue dans la Grande Région, nos points communs et la richesse de nos différences » in french) for the EVTZ - Secretariat of the Summit of the Greater Region. Illustrated magazine about the Greater Region (border region between Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and France in Europe). This magazine, published in french and german, present this multifaceted region in an exciting and interesting way: only illustrations are used, no photos. Project realized in close collaboration with Lucile Matter (illustrations) and the agency Human Made (Luxembourg) which has developed all the textual content as well as the illustrations.